Chia Counseling offers professional mental health therapy and services.
Donna C. Poon, LMHC
Donna specializes in working with diverse populations including: adolescent, young adults, working professionals, parents, AAPI, LGBTQIA+, and marginalized communities. Her focus includes topics on cultural identity, interpersonal and romantic relationships, family dynamics, career, and financial concerns.
In addition to her psychotherapy work, Donna is also a mental health Consultant working with academic, government, non-profit, and corporate institutions.
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Individual Therapy
Gain new insight, shift perspective, feel empowered, and develop emotional and mental resilience - all in the comfort of your own home. (Teletherapy in New York City and New Jersey.)
Consulting & Workshops
Help your organization address mental health topics such as workplace climate, professional development, people management, mental health screening, conflict resolution, & peer mediation.